SET Gallery, Brooklyn, NY  

Mandy Morison - Patterns - Single Channel Video 1:45 Sound Design: Charlie Morrow

Jason Reyen - Happiness - Oil on canvas 86” x 66”

Jason Reyen - Unhappiness - Oil on canvas 86” x 66”

                  Katya Usvitsky - Mama - Nylon & fiber fil 27” x 18” x 21” deep

                  Katya Usvitsky - Daughter - Nylon & fiber fil 20” x 12” x 8” deep

Ed Herman - Girl on a swing no.1 - Epoxy and clothing 60” x 30” x 20”

Ed Herman - OFF! - Epoxy, clothing and bicycle 72” x 144” x 144”

      web-design by Project 59 Inc.